Monday, December 15, 2008

Hanging Forms - Clothing Forms - Half Round Blouse Form Black

Showing a garment with Hanging Forms increases the visibility of that item. To make a nice feature display use a body form to "fill out" the garment, it will not only show the garment better it also gets your product noticed. The hanging forms with a hollow back are often pinned on the backside to show the item as if it were filled completely out, but uses only 1/2 the space.

Clothing Forms that flex to easily don't fill out the garment properly. They tend to buckle in the middle with only a moderate amount of pull. Use a rigid body form so that you are able to put the garment as you want it shown, sometimes a body shirt or fitness equipment is meant to be tight or form fitting, you can only accomplish that if your body form is rigid.

Half Round Blouse Form Black is that rigid style of body form. The rounded edges insure that your garments don't get snagged, and the tough durable plastic form can stand up to the tightest fitting garments.

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